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So we have come to the end of our time in Ukraine. It has been an extraordinary experience. We have seen humanity at it's worst and at it's best. Either way we feel privileged to have been here and in some way help to portray the impact this conflict has had on the people of Ukraine.

From the simple beginnings in Kiev, to the crash site and on to our time in Donetsk, each part has been extremely interesting and due to our lack of budget has relied almost entirely on the kindness of strangers. We want to thank everybody that helped us and are now looking forward to trying to starting the post production process back in London.

Despite the ceasefire and the lack of coverage, what has happened during this conflict should never be forgotten. Below we include some impactful images of things that occured whilst we were here, they might go someway to show the humanitarian tragedy that has occured in ukraine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ukraine in the last sentence, capital U)


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